I Need the Magic Eight Ball of Life

Do you guys remember Magic Eight Balls? That little black globe that held so many answers to the questions we desperately needed to ask. I remember truly believing the words on the white cube, the blue liquid running over the letters ever so often. It's not that I believed in the Magic Eight Ball itself; I knew that something bought at a toy store was indeed just a toy. But I believed in fate, in the Cosmos, in the stars. Call it whatever you want, but the child in me always wanted to believe that the shaking of my hands propelled the cube to land on its answer because of fate, not physics.

Fast forward ten years, and I'm searching for the adult version of the Magic Eight Ball we used to play with when we were kids. You see, I'm searching for some answers. I'm trying to shake life's proverbial Magic Eight Ball for it to tell me what I'm supposed to do now. What lies ahead, Universe? I can see my future in front of me, but it's fragmented and disjointed like a kaleidoscope. So what's going to form the full picture, World? What should I be doing to Be Who I'm Supposed To Be?

*shakes Magic Eight Ball

I'm desperate and I'm terrified for answers. I want to know and I don't want to know. Because I know that part of life is the not-knowing. Yes, it makes life exciting and present. I am happy for the unknown to reveal itself eventually.

And though I'm nervous about my kaleidoscope of a life, I'm excited to see what the Cosmos have in store for me. For us.

Comment below if you also feel like the answers to life are just out of your reach! I'm sure there are more of us out there than we think.

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